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MEDIUM: local timbre

FINISH: hand waxed (body of rolling pin) and oil (bead)

ROLLING PIN: W16/19 ✕ L326 ✕ H16/36/19 (mm)

Disparity is represented. The segregation in the caste system and wealth distribution were aggravated during the British colonization. During the period, Eucalyptus trees were brought in. However they decimate native Indian trees. Drawing a similarity between the colonization and Eucalyptus, the patterns found on a Eucalyptus seed is reflected as a diamond in the rolling pin. Segregation is symbolized through the contrast of the wood colors and grains.

The form helps enhance the function and ease of spreading out dough, specifically Indian flat bread. The thick width in the middle helps the user put pressure to create thin dough. Furthermore, the thickest area can be used as a pivot. Thus, the longer taper can make the flatbread rounded while the shorter taper can work as the handle. 

It is dedicated to the memories I had when attending school in Kodaikanal, India.

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